Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thank God UIC is not one of the colleges participating in the contest for a DMB concert.

I'm not sure if I'd ever have the proper time and resources to campaign against sending invites to what is inarguably the most overrated alternative band of the nineties. Dave Matthews Band shall never set foot on our fractured yet hallowed campus, for Chicago itself shall never forget the August 04 dumping of 800 lbs of human waste from their tour bus on unsuspecting passengers of a sight-seeing boat down below.

You're probably thinking that that single incident could not possibly be the only reason why I loathe the though of DMB playing at my school. And you're right. As do most other rational individuals, I hate their fans. Dave Matthews Band has the absolute most obnoxious fanbase out of any band that I can think of.

Here's to my friends at Champagne, who are currently tempting fate with their txts and button clicks.
Apparently, fans of the magazine McSweeney's are elitist hipster jackasses who think way too highly of themselves. Stereotyping people based on their interests is a really dickhole thing to do.

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